Experience the unique world of flavours of Essone or Maniguette, the delicious jujube from Cameroon! This fruity and aromatic spice blend will delight your senses and give your dishes an incomparable taste.
Our Essone or Maniguette come directly from the sunny fields of Cameroon and are carefully harvested and selected by hand to give you the best taste experience. The jujube is then processed into a fine powder that is easy to use and adds an incomparable flavour to your dishes.
Try Essone or Maniguette in your next dish and experience the difference! Our recipe suggestion: Use Essone or Maniguette to refine your curries, stews and soups and give them a fruity touch. Or use it as an ingredient in marinades or dressings to add a special flavour to your meat and fish dishes.
So what are you waiting for? Discover the delicious world of Essone or Maniguette from Cameroon now and give your dishes a unique touch!